The Religious Status of Watching Porn

Answered by Shaykh Yūsuf Badāt Question: Is watching pornographic movies a kind of zinā (fornication/ adultery) in Islam? Answer: In the name of God, Most Kind, Most Merciful Jazāk Allāh Khayr/ Thank you for your question. Yes, watching pornographic material is a form of fornication (zinā) which is not only prohibited and sinful in Islam…

The Muslim Funeral Prayer

By Yūsuf Badāt The funeral prayer (janāzah) is a communal obligation (farḍ al-kifāyah) upon believers after the passing of a muslim in their community. In other words, if some Muslims of the region conduct the funeral service, the remaining members would be absolved. The funeral prayer is offered after the washing and shrouding of the…

An All-Exclusive Intimate Supplication with the Lord

Translation by Yūsuf Badāt يَا اَللهُ يَا أَحَدُ يَا وَاحِدُ يَا مَوْجُوْدُ يَا جَوَّادُ يَا بَاسِطُ يَا كَرِيْمُ يَا وَهَّابُ يَا ذَا الطَّوْلِ يَا غَنِيُّ يَا مُغْنِيُ يَا فَتَّاحُ يَا رَزَّاقُ يَا عَلِيْمُ يَا حَكِيْمُ يَا حَيُّ يَا قَيُّوْمُ يَا رَحْمَنُ يَارَحِيْمُ يَا بَدِيْعَ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ يَا ذَا الْجَلَالِ وَالْإِكْرَامِ يَا حَنَّانُ يَا مَنَّانُ اِنْفَحْنِيْ…

Alcohol Based Perfumes

Answered by Shaykh Yūsuf Badāt Question: Are perfumes containing alcohol allowed to be used on body/clothes, especially during ṣalāh (formal ritual prayer)? Answer: In the Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Kind Jazāk Allāh Khayr/ Thank you for your question. Perfumes containing various forms of alcohol can be applied, since the alcohol is synthetic. There…