Where did Adam and Hawwa Reside?

Answered by Shaykh Omar Subedar Question: As Salaamu ‘Alaikum, Did Adam and Hawwa (‘alayhimus salaam) initially live in Paradise before being sent to this world? Or did they live in a garden that resembled Paradise? JazakAllah Khair Answer: It is quite evident from the following Qur’änic verses that our ancestral parents, Adam and Hawwa عليهما…

Removal of Pubic Hair for Men

Answered by Shaykh Omar Subedar Question: What is the proper method of removing the pubic hairs for men? What parts must be removed? Answer: Anas ibn Mälik رضى الله عنه reported, “The time we were given for trimming [our] moustaches, clipping [our] nails, plucking the hairs of [our] armpits, and shaving [our] pubes was to not leave it for…

Your New Self After the Pilgrimage

By Shaykh Yūsuf Badāt Congratulations upon fulfilling one of the greatest pillars of Islam. You did it! You are now in a purified state. You are enveloped in mercy, blessings and rewards. It is now a new beginning. A fresh start to being at your best. Joy Express happiness and joy. Be thankful to the…

Ten Matters You Always Wanted to Know About Qurbānī/ Udḥiyyah

By Shaykh Yūsuf Badāt ONE: What is Qurbānī/ Udhiyyah? Qurbānī, also known as Udḥiyyah, refers to a ritual religious act of slaughtering animals for God’s sake as an act of worship during the days of slaughter (ayyām al-naḥr). The practice is a physical exercise to internalize an Abrahamic lesson of sacrificing the negative, less important…

Productive Pilgrimage – New Book

Mathabah Publications Latest Release, Productive Pilgrimage The sacred lands are places of inspiration and positive transformation. This book, ‘Productive Pilgrimage’ establishes an expanded explosive comprehension of pilgrimage rituals and exponentially enhances the journey of those intending the visit. Discover meaning, purpose and productivity from the pilgrimage. In ‘Productive Pilgrimage’, you will learn: • Why believers…